Lawn Grubs: How to check, Get rid of & Prevent it naturally in Texas

One of the top lawn care challenges faced by lawn owners is infestation of lawns by grubs. These whitish, c-shaped 1/2 inch-long worms are beetle larva laid by them during the summer. Lawn grubs typically hide under the earth and feed on the roots of the grass leaving them dry, brown and dying if not dead. If you notice dead, dollar spot fungus on your lawn at any time in the year, then it's time to call the Professional Lawn Care Service for an inspection.
Lawn grubs are egss from beetles with no specific beetle specie being excluded. The June Beetle, Japanese Beetle, Green June Beetle, Masked Schafer Beetle, and Black Turfgrass Ataenius Beetle are culprits in this 'crime' of eating up grass roots and causing harm to your lawn. As soon as you start seeing unusual beetle activity on your property, it might be time to contact Lawn Service Allen TX closeby.
In addition to destroying your lawn, these grubs attract unwelcome wildlife that prey on them to your lawn. Burrowing predators like raccoons, skunks, moles and other rodents will find their way onto your lawn looking for grubs. Your guess is as good as mine on what these animals would do to your lawn - they will add their own digging contribution which will worsen things co nsiderably.
  • How to check for lawn grubs on your lawn
In most cases, beetles which are usually responsible for lawn grubs lay their eggs during late summer, early fall or even spring as your lawn is beginning to grow. Damage from these lawn grubs will first show as brown, dry areas on your lawn. Now, to check if this phenomenon is actually from lawn grub infestation, try to lift the soil around the affected area to see if it the grass cleanly peels away with no root attachments.
If this is the case, you might even see the lawn grubs visibly below the lifted earth. A lawn yard with a lot of brown spots like this means the grub infestation is severe and needs to be tackled immediately before it gets out of hand. At this point, you really shouldn't worry much as your solution lies with hiring a professional lawn care service in Allen, TX with the required experience in treating lawn grubs.
  • How to get rid of lawn grubs
Eradicating lawn grubs from your lawn will be influenced by the degree of infestation. Light infestation will require going with a light eradication technique while heavy infestation will mean going in heavy on the pests.
Your lawn mowing service of choice will usually offer the best eradication options best suited for your locale. Solutions like Milky spore, neem oil, nematodes, and dylox are all effective for getting rid of lawn grubs from the lawn.
Application should be supervised especially when you are treating with synthetic products to avoid error by negligence or inexperience. In all, consult with your lawn care service provider in Allen, Tx for best results.
  • Preventing the emergence of lawn grubs naturally
As the saying goes, prevention is often better than treating and this is no less true in the case of handling lawn grubs. To prevent lawn grub infestation, consider hiring a lawn care in Allen TX, that can implement any of the following methods:
- attract birds to feed off your lawn yard. Birds are natural predators of worms and grubs are quite a delicacy for them. In fact, spreading seeds around your yard regularly will attract birds.
- apply nematodes on your grass. These soil-dwelling organisms releases bacteria which feed on hosts like the lawn grub killing them off your lawn.
- apply milky spore which are safe to the environment and very effective as a preventive solution.
- get your lawn treated with biodegradable preventives after regular inspections.
With these tips in place, your lawn will be free of grubs and grow green and healthy for longer periods!


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