How to get rid of Red Thread in your lawn with best lawn Cutting services

Have you ever noticed your lawn grass producing what looked like Red Thread-like bits? If your answer is yes, then it may just be the time to find an affordable lawn service that can handle the problem. This condition is a common sign of fungal disease growth and Nitrogen deficiency in your soil.

It simply means that your lawn grass has either used up a lot of the Nitrogen content in your soil or it has been lacking in the first place. This disease condition is usually prevalent during the thick of the growing season, around late April and late May.

When you think about it, it's not surprising that it happens mostly due to reduced availability of Nitrogen compounds. Your lawn grass experiences a rapid growth during this period which means they require a good deal of Nitrogen to do so.

Therefore, it is common to see dying patches of reddish threads on your lawn during this time of the season.  A reason why you should be working closely with a grass mowing service near you to take absolute good care of your lawn when you are tied up.

The question now should be, how does Nitrogen deficiency affect the lawn grass by turning it reddish?

To understand how this happens, we need to look at the factors that lead to the formation of Red thread disease

1.) Factors that lead to the emergence of Red Thread disease

There are 3 known factors that can lead to the development of this condition in the actual sense. A fungus known as the Red thread fungus is usually present in the thatch layer of all grass types where it exists in symbiosis. Usually, this doesn't cause problems until the plant experiences a deficiency in Nitrogen.

When this happens, and other factors like temperature and relative humidity are favorable, the grass plant loses resistance against the Red Thread fungus. The most common sign of this unbalanced relationship is in the appearance of Red Thread fibers produced by the lawn grass.

Fortunately, Red thread disease is not fatal and can be eradicated with relative ease. Fertilizer rich in Nitrogen will usually strengthen the grass and help it naturally shake off the fungal infestation. Contact any of the professional organic lawn care services in Texas to get started right away.

2.) Grass types that are prone to Red Thread disease

It might interest to you to know that Red Thread disease as indigenous as it appears does not affect all grass types. This fungal disease is prevalent on cool season grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, Fescue, Bent-grass, and Ryegrass.

If your grass has experienced a lot of growth during summer, it might just be time to apply rich nitrogen fertilizer to make up for the used up of nutrients. This is when you might need an organic lawn care service in Texas to come to the rescue.

The good news remains the fact that Red Thread grass doesn't kill grasses but can affect the beauty of your lawn yard. The fungus affecting the plants lives in the soil and thatch which means it doesn't get to affect the leaves, stems, and roots of the grass.

3.) Environmental conditions that increase your lawn's vulnerability to Red Thread disease

Red Thread disease is prone during late spring and early summer when there is a lot of rainfall and or high humidity. Grasses usually experience a lot of growth leading to a decreased Nitrogen level in the soil.

The combined reduce level of Nitrogen, high humidity, and temperatures of below or more than 70 degrees Fahrenheit leads to a proliferation of the Red Thread fungus which normally co-exists with these grasses.

So in essence, below are the 3 factors environmental conditions that contribute majorly to Red Thread disease.
- reduced level of Nitrogen
- increased humidity and rainfall
- Temperatures ranging anywhere from 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 75 degrees Fahrenheit

4.) Getting rid of Red Thread disease in your grass lawn

The best way to treat most lawn grass disease is to engage the services of professionals whom it is their business to do so. Nothing beats experience and resource availability when it comes to lawn care and lawn maintenance services have a lot of both.

Considering that Red Thread disease shows up yearly in most cases, the best way to beat it is by interrupting its growth pattern. The often-toed path to do this is by increasing the Nitrogen content of the soil so that the grass can easily get rid of the Red Thread fungus as it usually does naturally.

Care should be taken not to over-apply fertilizer on the lawn. Your grass care services should consider applying about 0.2 pounds of Nitrogen for every 1,000 square feet of lawn. As you may have noticed, this isn't a procedure the average lawn owner can carry out.

Treatment with fungicides should be out of the equation except for cases where the Red Thread disease infestation appears excessive. In such situations, fungicide like Strobilurins, which is a type of Qol inhibitor, is super effective against the Red Thread fungus.

Only experienced lawn care company Texas should be considered when it comes to giving your lawn that chemical treatment it needs for complete restoration.

Is your lawn grass suffering from the Red Thread fungus?  A properly vetted grass cutting service in Texas can handle this for you with far much, giving you the peace of mind that you deserve. For lawn care and maintenance services, get FREE QUOTE of GoMow’s lawn care services in Texas areas.


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