Fall Lawn Maintenance San Antonio TX – Ways to maintain high quality and beautiful lawn

With summer at an end, it's time to take care of your lawn for the fall season. At this time of the year, the air gets cooler, the leaves fall faster, and fall lawn care is the next logical step. However, the type of lawn care to implement depends on several factors, the primary one being whether your grass is a warm-season or a cool-season grass. If in doubt about this, you may have to take a sample of your grass to your lawn maintenance service in San Antonio to be certain.
In this post, we have discussed the best ways to maintain a high quality and beautiful lawn in the San Antonio area. Read on to learn them right away and start implementing on your lawn!
Generally, there are lawn care tasks that you must carry out regardless of your lawn grass types. The following tasks are necessary when hiring a lawn care service in San Antonio.
- If there are broadleaf weeds, consider treating with topical herbicides. These types of herbicides only affect individual weeds without affecting the rest of the lawn.
- Inspect and test the soil for the right pH. Apply lime treatment in a case where acidity is high and sulfur treatment where alkalinity is prevalent. The earlier this is done, the better your lawn's chances of survival should there be an incident.
- Aerate the soil after summer as fall commences and consider dethatching as well. Both practices will remove or loosen up dead, obstructing grass and compacted soil. Loosened soil and uncluttered grass allow increased soil activity which is healthy for the overall well-being of the lawn.
- Leaves should either be blown off or raked and bagged for disposal or composting. Composted leaves can serve as a rich source of organic fertilizer to feed the lawn.
- Lawn mowing to keep the lawn low, neat and growing healthy. For San Antonio lawn owners, it's always best to hire a professional San Antonio lawn mowing service for best results.
Now, depending on the type of grass you have on your lawn, below are some tips for high quality, beautiful lawn care session in fall season.
For cool-season grass:
1) Ensure the lawn get enough water to carry it through the coming winter season. Hire a lawn maintenance service in San Antonio to water at least twice a week to soak up the lawn with water at least one inch above the surface.
2) Carefully apply nitrogen-rich fertilizer on the lawn using 1 pound per 1000 sq ft of lawn earth. cool-season lawn grass experiences less stress than warm-season grass and also has less issues on average.
3) Mow your cool-season lawn grass more than warm-season grass. While the former usually grows in cooler temperature and grows faster thereby requiring more mowing, warm-season grass has tougher conditions and require less mowing comparatively.
4) Get professional lawn mowing service to inspect your lawn to detect where there could be problems and nip them early. For one, it takes the guesswork out of your fall lawn care and two, it saves you money in the because you can focus on what the problem is.
For warm-season grass:
1) Avoid fertilizing warm-season grass because they harden during fall in preparation for the winter cold. If fertilizer is applied, the necessary hardening process could be affected.
2) Overseed the lawn grass with annual winter ryegrass to keep your lawn evenly green even in winter. This type of grass dies off at the on-set of summer so your lawnyard can return to its normal warm-season grass.
3) Mow at the right height and regularly too. Hiring a lawn care service in San Antonio can help in keeping your mowing on schedule. The normal mowing height of cutting only one-third of the grass stem should be maintained for optimal grass growth.
4) Watering should be done twice a week to keep the grass adequately soaked in preparation for the imminent colder season. Professional lawn care is required to be regular if it's to be effective and hiring a San Antonio lawn service is a major way to go about it.
In conclusion, to maintain a high quality and beautiful lawn this fall season, these steps will set you up on the right path to making it happen. GoMow Lawn Mowing offers a professional lawn mowing service in San Antonio, Texas.

Visit our website – gomow.com to schedule a booking session where you'll find out how we can give your lawn yard the best care this fall season.


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