Fall Lawn Maintenance San Antonio TX – Ways to maintain high quality and beautiful lawn

With summer at an end, it's time to take care of your lawn for the fall season. At this time of the year, the air gets cooler, the leaves fall faster, and fall lawn care is the next logical step. However, the type of lawn care to implement depends on several factors, the primary one being whether your grass is a warm-season or a cool-season grass. If in doubt about this, you may have to take a sample of your grass to your lawn maintenance service in San Antonio to be certain. In this post, we have discussed the best ways to maintain a high quality and beautiful lawn in the San Antonio area. Read on to learn them right away and start implementing on your lawn! Generally, there are lawn care tasks that you must carry out regardless of your lawn grass types. The following tasks are necessary when hiring a lawn care service in San Antonio . - If there are broadleaf weeds, consider treating with topical herbicides. These types of herbicides only affect individual we...