Lawn Grubs: How to check, Get rid of & Prevent it naturally in Texas

One of the top lawn care challenges faced by lawn owners is infestation of lawns by grubs. These whitish, c-shaped 1/2 inch-long worms are beetle larva laid by them during the summer. Lawn grubs typically hide under the earth and feed on the roots of the grass leaving them dry, brown and dying if not dead. If you notice dead, dollar spot fungus on your lawn at any time in the year, then it's time to call the Professional Lawn Care Service for an inspection. Lawn grubs are egss from beetles with no specific beetle specie being excluded. The June Beetle, Japanese Beetle, Green June Beetle, Masked Schafer Beetle, and Black Turfgrass Ataenius Beetle are culprits in this 'crime' of eating up grass roots and causing harm to your lawn. As soon as you start seeing unusual beetle activity on your proper t y, it might be time to contact Lawn Service Allen TX closeby. In addition to destroying your lawn, these grubs attract unwelcome wildlife that prey on them to your lawn...