Quick Lawn Maintenance Tips for Achieving Beautiful Lawn yard in Summer

As you already know, there is one thing that is most common with summer - heat. With the temperature of the earth getting even hotter than ever, there is a need to have quick maintenance tips for keeping our lawns yards beautiful even in summer.

Keeping your lawn healthy and lush in the heat of summer can be challenging but not impossible. With the low rainfall and increased evaporation of water, you can't afford to slack a bit on your lawn maintenance activity.

Here are some quick maintenance tips to consistently have a lush and green lawn grass in summer.

1. Water regularly

Water is one major element your lawn grass is going to need more than anything. This is not surprising given the fact that summer comes with a lot of heat which leads to evaporation of water from the earth.

Regular watering of the lawn will keep it hydrated enough to make up for lost water during the heat of the day and enough remaining for its metabolic activities.

If you are unavailable to water your lawn regularly, you can simply book a schedule with Austin mowing services that offer lawn mowing and other lawn associated services.

Watering is best done when the sun hasn't gone up yet or just after sunset. Usually during the hours of 6 am to 10 am in the morning to help your grass absorb as much moisture as possible before the imminent heat of the sun during the day.

Deep watering is best applied during summer and ideally, it should cover your lawn grass with at least 1 inch of water after each session for best effects.

2. Regular Fertilizer application

Just as dehydration of the grass is on the increase during summer, so is a nutrient loss too. There is a high rate of nutrient depletion in the earth during summer because of the increased temperature.

To combat this, regular fertilizer application is required to replenish the earth as often as possible. Organic fertilizers are the preferred choice as they easily decompose in the soil leaving little to no traces of toxic components.

Regular fertilizer application will help your lawn to row thick and full, crowding out pesky weeds and insulation the soil against much of the sun's heat.

For best results, consulting with a professional lawn mowing service might help you determine the best route to take in fertilizer application.

3. Mow high and less often

Shortly-cut lawn grasses suffer the most during the scorching heat of summer. If you truly mean well for your lawn, then you must avoid this as much as possible. Lawn grasses with longer stems usually have longer roots as well as they are often more developed physically.

The best way to mow your lawn is by mowing high instead of close to the ground. About one-third of your lawn grass should only be cut during every mowing session.

You can do this easily by recalibrating your lawn mower blades to cut only from that level upwards and not less. Constant mowing is also unadvisable as the last thing your lawn grass needs with the deadly heat of summer is unnecessary exposure.

Mowing should be done with a sharp blade to avoid tearing and uneven cutting of the grass stems and blades which causes injuries. Such injuries take longer to heal and can cause the extra escape of moisture from the grasses.

4. Renovate and reseed

Certain grass types find it difficult to handle the heat that comes with summer. Such grasses will need all the support it can get to grow healthily and beautifully. This is where reseeding and renovation might need to come in if you want a green, lush lawn yard.

Renovating your lawn yard will involve getting landscaping service to help with the setup. There are several landscaping Austin services that can handle this perfectly well if your lawn needs renovation.

There are amazing reseeding grasses products that grow beautifully even in summer. You can arrange to have your lawn reseeded with them during summer to keep your lawn looking green and lush.

Reseeding is best done before the onset of summer, during early spring when the new life is just coming to the vegetation.


Maintaining your lawn grass during summer is about using any of the above-mentioned smart techniques. All things being equal, it shouldn't cost your bank balance to keep your lawn looking lush and green.

Busy lawn owners can simply hand over their lawn care to lawn maintenance services in Austin known for their stellar services.

GoMow lawn mowing service Austin Texas offers one of the best lawn yard mowing services to keep your grass looking trim and green always.


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