Lawn Care: Seasonal Lawn Mowing Service Guide for Texas Homeowners

So, if you are reading this, you most definitely know what it feels like to step into that lush cover of greenery in your front yard. Everyone loves a good-looking lawn, except most lack the right lawn maintenance services to keep brown patches away.

A couple of Lawn treatment tips for residents of Texas just so that you can be assured of a healthy and beautiful lawn all year round.

Early spring:

Early Spring comes first, and so does all that debris and leftover leafs and twigs from an unforgiving winter, and let’s not forget Sam, Miss Annabell’s kid who literally lived on your lawn during Christmas, playing hide and seek with his imaginary friends, putting the green cover under constant stress.

Kindly pick up a rake and rake your way through winter’s mercilessness and Sam’s mischief lest the thick layer of wet leaves smothers your lawn.

Try your utmost best to do maintenance on your mower to avoid jagged edges which cause discoloration and improves pathogenic conditions. And don’t forget to buy fresh gas as moisture tends to accumulate especially in fuels containing ethanol. 


For reasons unknown to us, the grass seems to be in a Romeo and Juliet fiasco with the spring season, growing in earnest. This is the season to start mowing. However, it is advised that you avoid cutting your grass when wet as this could aid the spread of diseases. Spring also provides a good opportunity to fertilize your lawn, depending on where you live you can fertilize during the fall.
The spring season also provides an ample opportunity for aeration. By punching small holes in your lawn, water, fertilizer, and oxygen can very easily reach the roots of the grass.

Early summer:

Now its summer and you are ready to bask in the sun, and so are the grub worms who have decided to start feeding on your roots, causing those annoying browning and wilting patches. Make sure to contact your local lawn care service or an online lawn service to treat your lawn with pesticides, if you notice more than 10 grubs per square foot.  


During the summer proper, ensure to pour deep-water your lawn infrequently to meet the average 1-inch requirement of water per week. And keep up with the best lawn care practices.

Early Fall:

The menace of hell called summer has just withdrawn and your lawn is showing signs of a hard-fought battle. It is now time to remove dead grass and break up the soil. You can also decide to throw in a little compost to rejuvenate the soil. 


All you are to do during this season is to keep fallen leaves and twigs off your lawn. If you experience difficulties in the implementation of the aforementioned practices, you can contact online lawn services in the Texas area to provide you the best lawn care services.


Phew Winter…..
I won’t try to sugar coat this for you. If not for Christmas, winter would most likely suck. And to many, it does. Trying to cope with your pets licking the defrosting chemicals on their feet after taking a walk, and visiting the vet trying not to be a bad pet owner, only to come back home and Sam literally lives on your lawn, but you can’t afford to be the Neighbour who barks at kids so you let Sam and his little concubines play hide and seek on your most priced vegetative cover.

Make sure to deep water during the Winter Months, but avoid watering too frequently to enable the grass to begin its climb up back to its days of glory.
Be sure to engage a lawn mowing service in your area to ensure adequate support during this trying period. Cheers!


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